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2013-2017 山东农业大学 种子科学与工程 学士

2017-2023 山东农业大学 作物学 博士(硕博连读)


2023年至今 潍坊科技学院 任教


1. Zhang H, Yuan Y, Xing H, Xin M, Saeed M, Wu Q, Wu J, Zhuang T, Zhang X, Mao L, Sun X, Song X, Wang Z. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the HVA22 gene family in cotton and functional analysis of GhHVA22E1D in drought and salt tolerance [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14.

2. 2. Zhang H, Mao L, Xin M, Xing H, Zhang Y, Wu J, Xu D, Wang Y, Shang Y, Wei L, Cui M, Zhuang T, Sun X, Song X. Overexpression of GhABF3 increases cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) tolerance to salt and drought [J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22(1):313.

3. Yuan Y*, Cao X*, Zhang H*, Liu C, Zhang Y, Song X, Gai S. Genome-wide identification and analysis of Oleosin gene family in four cotton species and its involvement in oil accumulation and germination [J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21(1):569. (Co-first author)

4. Yuan Y*, Zhang H*, Wang L*, Xing H, Mao L, Tao J, Wang X, Feng W, Wang Q, Wang H, Wei Z, Zhang G, Song X, Sun X. Candidate quantitative trait loci and genes for fiber quality in Gossypium hirsutum L. detected using single-and multi-locus association mapping [J]. Industrial Crops & Products, 2019, 134:356-369. (Co-first author)

5. Xing H*, Yuan Y*, Zhang H*, Wang L, Mao L, Tao J, Wang X, Feng W, Wang H, Wang Q, Wei Z, Zhang G, Liu X, Li Z, Song X, Sun X. Multi-environments and multi-models association mapping identified candidate genes of lint percentage and seed index in Gossypium hirsutum L [J]. Molecular Breeding, 2019, 39(10):149. (Co-first author)

地址:潍坊科技学院 j9游会真人游戏第一品牌